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Head Teacher: Karen Smith

Margaret McMillan Nursery School

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The school has adopted the Local Authority's Early Years Admissions Policy.

How to Apply

If you want to register your child for admissions:

  • You can call into the school between 9.00am and 3.00pm any weekday in term time to obtain an application form.
  • Download, print and fill in the form. Return the form in person or by post.

You will need a PDF reader installed on your device to read and print documents on this page.

If you want to change any details on your application form:

  • You can come in person or telephone and speak to a member of the admin team between 9.00am and 3.00pm any weekday in term time.
  • It is important that you let us know if you have changed address, stopped working or studying, changed your work or study hours, or are entitled to a free place.

If you want to have a look round the school:

  • We have school tours each term when you can look round the school and register your child. Please call 020 7281 2745 or call into the school office to book a tour.

Updating Parents

We will only contact parents if we have a query or are allocating you a place. If you do not hear from us, you can assume your application has not been successful but will continue to be considered at each future allocation.

Priority is given to parents who live in Islington for all places.

To register your child you will need to complete an application form

Two year olds from the term after their second birthday.

Some children are eligible for 15 hours free childcare for a two year old. 

To allocate a place we need:

  • Your letter/email from the council confirming you are eligible
  • A completed nursery application form

This free provision is for 15 hours per week term time only: either morning (9.00 - 12.00) or afternoon (1.00- 4.00) .

Eligibility criteria

If you are an Islington resident you can see a full list of eligibility criteria and apply online at

Three and four year olds from the term after their third birthday

All children are eligible for a free 15 hour place 

To allocate a place we need:

  • A completed nursery application form

Some children are eligible for a free 30 hour place 

To allocate a place we need:

  • The code from the government confirming your eligibility
  • A completed nursery application form

This free 15 hours is four days a week, either morning (9.30 – 11.45) or afternoon (1.15 - 3.30) plus 1 full day (9.30 – 3.30) term time only.

The free 30 hours is 5 days a week 9.30 - 3.30 term time only

Check your eligibilty and apply online at

Day Care for children aged 0 to 5 years

In addition to the free places we offer day-care for children aged 0-5, 39 or 48 weeks a year 8.00am to 5.45pm. Only parents in work or accredited study can apply for day-care placement for 0-5 year olds.

To register we need:

  • Your name and your home address
  • Your child’s name and date of birth
  • The hours and days you require your child to attend nursery whilst you are in work or are studying.

Parents pay for this provision on a means tested scale subsidised by Islington Council. 

Parents that are studying must provide the following in order to be prioritised for a place:

  • Proof of acceptance onto a course leading to a qualification
  • Evidence that the course provider will pay for the daycare

For admissions to all places

The main criteria for admissions are the number of places available in each age band and distance from the school. The length of time on the waiting list is not a consideration.  When a place becomes available we consider all the children in that age band based on the information on the application forms. We do our admissions throughout the year as places become available - this usually coincides with a half-termly break.  Most allocations are done for the autumn term as this is when most vacancies arise.

10% of places are allocated as Marketed Places. This enables parents who are able to pay the full market charges to apply. These places are allocated first to those who live in Islington, second to those who work in Islington, and third to other applicants. Parents who do not live in Islington can only apply for a Marketed Place.

Some places are allocated centrally by the council.

Priority Early Learning and Special Need Places

There are 6 places for children with profound or complex Special Needs, these are allocated by the Islington Special Needs advisory panel. 

Children with less complex needs may be allocated a place by the Priority Early Learning Panel (PEL Panel). If you think you qualify you should contact your health visitor.

More Information

You can find more information about Children's centres and under 5s services on the Islington Council Website

© 2001 — 2025 Margaret McMillan Nursery School